Let’s Learn Together


So full disclosure:  I have been crocheting for over 20 years.  Well, why do you deem yourself a needle novice you say?  I shall explain.  Over the 20 years that I’ve been crocheting, I can count on two hands the number of projects that I have successfully completed (and on one hand the projects that looked good enough to gift).  Most of the difficulty I experience over the years boiled down to three things:

1) Limited time

2) Lack of understanding the basics

3) Lots of trial and error

So now that my kids are getting older and my yarn stash is getting out of control, I am ready to re-learn and refine my skills.  I’d like you to take that journey with me!  Over the course of this journey I plan to share very detailed and painfully slow videos of me doing basic stitches filmed from multiple angles, information I’ve gained about crochet basics like yarn weight and needle size, and MOST IMPORTANTLY the many, many, many mistakes that I’ve made over the years.  Since we’re learning together, I am always open to comments and critiques.  Let’s get it started!


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